Thursday, March 14, 2019

Failure of pick-one ballots

Fall River, MA, March 12, 2019. 61% vote to remove mayor (39% vote to keep mayor). Ballot includes race for next mayor. 35% vote for the old mayor. The vote gets split and 35% is the 'winner'. 61%-65% of the people, a solid majority, wanted something else but the system failed them. This isn't democracy. This is a bug, we should fix it by moving to ranked choice ballots.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Go select{} by priority

Here's a weird pattern for doing Go select statements and achieving doing the highest priority thing first.

for {
    select { // A is the highest priority, if available, do that
    case <-A:
    default: // don't block here

    select { // A and B are high priority, if available, do one
    case <-A:
    case <-B:
    default: // don't block here

    select { // Nothing high priority being available, wait for whatever is available next and do that.
    case <-A:
    case <-B:
    case <-C:

Note that every case ends with `continue` so as to go back to the top and re-evaluate all the priority decisions.
So, what do you think? Useful pattern? Horrible anti-pattern?